The question is that today we continue to circle around the problem without centering it in its essence. That is, today we continue to talk of abuses by those who govern, trying to find a way to force these rulers to govern in the “right” way. . . This document […]
Series: ► I.a_New Politics manifesto
As mentioned in other articles, today Western Democracy has been transformed into a form of Socialism to the point that it is no longer possible to reform it by operating from within. . It is therefore a question of restarting the process of restoring real Democracy (which Trump had mistakenly […]
Summarizing what has been said in the previous articles, if you really want to bring Democracy back to its original dimension in which citizens are able to effectively meet their needs, it is necessary: <see my article “Towards a Democracy Reboot“> (1) stop to rely on activities of criticism or […]
Today it is therefore necessary to consider the implementation of a new way of reforming Democracy – to bring it back to its original dimension. A new modality that operates outside the field of “Politics”. That is, in this historical phase it is necessary to abandon what is defined as […]