Daily Archives: April 10, 2020

2 posts


This entry is part 2 of 1 in the series ► Covid-intro

òlsajfadòslk asòdlkfjòasldkfjò alsdfjkòalsdkf òalsdkfj aòsdlkfj òlaskdfj òlaksdfj òlasdkfj òalsdfkj laòsdfkj asdlfkj òlksadfj òladsfkjasfdlkj

Culture Issues: Synopsis

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series ► Why Holistica

Today Coronavirus* highlights how people expect imposition from top of their behavior, and are unable to make decisions themselves functional to their life . That is people today are no longer able to formulate in their‘s head an idea of what is right and what is wrong than your health. People today no longer know how to interpret reality: they need explanations from others also about […]