pop-sub-cat: 3@ PAGINA●MAIN

3 posts

Today the situation is much improved

In the initial phase, many mistakes were made in the management of Covid-19 which increased the number of deaths <see The sacrifice of the elderly: the power to sentence a person to death> <see “sources: incorrect treatment killed patients”> But today the situation is much better than in the “first wave” because the actual strength of Covid-19 is now known; and we know how to deal […]

The Authorities declared that Covid is just a normal influence

The government institutions that have successfully dealt with Covid-19 since the beginning (early 2020) (South Korea, Taiwan) have found that it is a flu with consequences that, although slightly different, are no more dangerous than ordinary influence of previous years. In fact, as the studies of the 2020 “pandemic” that examined real data show: ■ it caused the same number of deaths as  previous seasonal flu: […]

Covid-19 is a normal flu (not fatal in itself)

IN SUPPORT OF THE THESIS OF THE DANGER OF COVID-19 (and therefore of the emergency measures) (1) NO DATA EXIST (VERIFIED BY SCIENTIFIC PROCEDURES). (2) ALL DATA PRODUCED BY THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY SHOWS COVID-19 IS A NORMAL INFLUENCE This is easily verified by doing any Google search: 1) information on the danger of the Coronavirus of 2020: no information that speaks of the danger of the […]