pop-sub-cat: #primary-point

2 posts

Herd immunity: an epidemic ends when all the community has been infected

The problem of the long duration of the Coronavirus 2020 epidemic is, paradoxically, due to the fact that the lockdown has taken place. In fact, in influenza epidemics from 80 to 95 percent of the population must be immune to the disease to stop its spread. To visualize this, picture someone without immunity as a red dot surrounded by yellow immune dots. If the red dot […]

The sacrifice of the elderly: the power to sentence a person to death

In practically all countries, governmental institutions have imposed criteria for selecting the people who need to be treated (and therefore those who must be left to die) We must note that care for older people was refused not only for Coronavirus, but was also refused, in general, for visits and surgery (which could have saved such people at the start). As part of the Medicine claims, […]