■ Collections of Articles: #Coronavirus

5 posts

The seriousness of the situation is not due to a virus, but to political choices

To understand the problem underlying the human and social crisis linked to Covid-19, we must first consider that INSTITUTIONAL CHOICES ARE PRECISELY “POLITICAL”,ie they are not based at all on scientific factors. Paradoxically, the problems consist precisely in the measures taken to counter the alleged danger of Covid-19 (which in itself, as the scientific investigations of the same government and scientific institutions show us, would not […]

Incorrect (manipulated) use of the Data

Nel dichiarare che sono aumentati i contagi oggi si fa un ragionamento totalmente fasullo (privo di scientificità, che non ha cioè nessun legame con quello che è la realtà dei fatti). . Vediamo di chiarire come ciò possa avvenire. In questa sede non si sembra opportuno cercare di chairire il perché ciò avvenga, che è una cosa legata al livello di intelligenza e di buona fede […]

Why are data on Cornonavirus bogus?

  The “death toll” is calculated by dividing the number of infected by the number of Coronavirus deaths. But both numbers are wrong: 1) the dead are not all of coronavirus, as the institutions now force doctors to consider coronavirus deaths even when there is only the slightest suspicion – see “CDC Tells Hospitals To List COVID as Cause of Death Even if You’re Just Assuming […]


Little by little, the fact emerges that the institutions – and the mainstream media – have made big mistakes in addressing the Coronavirus epidemic. Mistakes that cost very dearly in terms of public health and safety.  . And, since the damage has already been done, the question now is to investigate what happened so that it doesn’t happen again. (investigate both from the point of view […]

The Issue of Coronavirus Institutional measuresPOST

Little by little, the fact emerges that the institutions – and the mainstream media – have made big mistakes in addressing the Coronavirus epidemic. Mistakes that cost very dearly in terms of public health and safety. the question now is to make the point of the situation by evaluating the data that emerged to understand how to prevent this from happening again