In order to develop winning business it is necessary to understand the substance of the Innovation in progress (it is therefore necessary to understand why we do not innovate according to the correct model, we develop ruinous strategies).
The essence of the matter is that a “revolution” of the Society (and of the Market) is taking place which brings about a radical change in the Models adopted to date.
The problem of the current crisis consists precisely in an incapacity on the part of the Big Players of the Market to understand the essence of this change.
Most of the new trends are based on Smarness: Smart City, Smart Manufacturig, etc.
And, in fact, the current approach of the big Players leads to a misunderstanding of the meaning of the term Smart (which is fatal for them).
In this context
Smart means
(the Customer in its dimension as a human being).
And it do not mean smartness applied to other aspects such as quality of technology, efficiency of production, etc.
That is in Smart Manufacturing – so that truly salable products can be developed with it – it is necessary that everything is finalized to the realization of a product that includes in itself qualities linked to the human factor (of a product that is capable able to satisfy the real needs of people).
This is because in a time of crisis like the current one, the Customers can no longer afford to buy products that do not satisfy their real needs (the products must therefore satisfy concrete needs, and not for example the ephemeral “emotional needs” to which they are in maximum part finalized current products).
<see From frivolity to sustainability’≈]
Based on this elementary consideration, any innovation as an improvement in current production performance cannot lead to developing successful products.
Instead, it is a question of taking a Disruptive quality leap with respect to strategies, tools and structures.
Synopsis of content about Industry 4.0/Smart Fabrication
My Articles on Misunderstandings about innovation
Today there seems to be a lot of confusion about the trends that are developing on the Market: for each Trend, there are interpretations of a completely opposite sign.
At the basis of everything there is – as often happens in modern culture – a semantic question, of meanings of terms.
It happens that over time some terms that describe social aspects of human life take on a different meaning from the original one.
● The difficulty of understanding (to explain) the concept of radical change (disruptive innovation) - There is a lack of of the meaning of the terms referred to innovation like "radical", "different" ("disruptive"). This does not allow the majority of the Market Player to develop a truly salable value. These terms indicate a substantial difference, or something absolutely new which is found on a plan completely different from the previous one. but today efforts are being made to develop "different" strategies which, however, remain on the same level, on the same qualitative level as the previous strategies.
● The basic misunderstanding on real (disruptive) innovation - Disruptive innovation is a “revolution” of the context in which it operates: this means “radical change” (from the roots) of culture, of the mindset used up to that point (change of operating principles, of conception of values, of a design approach, of types of communication, etc.).
● The lack of a real Innovation - Today there is no real innovation (attractive and sustainable for Customer), both by the part of the Big Player of the Market and by the part of the Public Administration.
● Disruptive innovation: religion, scam or necessity for those who want to stay in the market? – Today the market continues to apply a non-disruptive mindset even when the data indicate this modality inexorably fails.
To innovate means to change. When there are major changes in the Society, it is necessary to adapt. There is no choice.
Are we sure that we understand what radical (disruptive) innovation is?
● The misunderstanding on the real meaning of the Trends (Meta-trends and Fake-trends) [1]
● Disruptive innovation is not based on technologies
● The misunderstanding on ecology: electrification of devices that are not ecological in themselves
● Towards a new (real) sustainability: the mistake of focusing on the low price
● Misunderstanding: the future is not futuristic as one imagines it today°
● The misunderstanding on Innovation by Manager, Consultants and Pundits - Today Managers and Consultants & the “intellectuals” are focused on the past: it is not bad faith, but it is a lack of ability to recognize the new.
● The misunderstanding on Industry 4.0: towards Manufacturing 4.0 - The “revolution” (dirsruption) that is transforming the world of production is a phenomenon radically different from the one today defined as Industry 4.0.
The change concerns not only the product, but everything connected to it. Today it is necessary: a rethinking - the why of a product - the ideation/design process - the production/distribution process. We move on to a new era of the new Economy: the Context economy.
● Does it really exist to the possibility of having an Artificial Intelligence? (the unsustainability of the AI) [1] - Can a “machine” actually make correct decisions? Science, with foundamentals principles (many Nobels) says No.
● The great Firms are not able to develop disruptive innovation within them - the consolidated companies of the market literally can’t develop disruptive innovation within them. they are the object of disruption, and therefore can not be the subject. the problem: ● lack of “intuition” ● lack of culture of (real) innovation. a real (disruptive) innovation can only come with a fresh start, from new comers.
<My Articles on Misunderstandings about innovation
Today there seems to be a lot of confusion about the trends that are developing on the Market: for each Trend, there are interpretations of a completely opposite sign.
At the basis of everything there is – as often happens in modern culture – a semantic question, of meanings of terms.
It happens that over time some terms that describe social aspects of human life take on a different meaning from the original one.
● The difficulty of understanding (to explain) the concept of radical change (disruptive innovation) - There is a lack of of the meaning of the terms referred to innovation like "radical", "different" ("disruptive"). This does not allow the majority of the Market Player to develop a truly salable value. These terms indicate a substantial difference, or something absolutely new which is found on a plan completely different from the previous one. but today efforts are being made to develop "different" strategies which, however, remain on the same level, on the same qualitative level as the previous strategies.
● The basic misunderstanding on real (disruptive) innovation - Disruptive innovation is a “revolution” of the context in which it operates: this means “radical change” (from the roots) of culture, of the mindset used up to that point (change of operating principles, of conception of values, of a design approach, of types of communication, etc.).
● The lack of a real Innovation - Today there is no real innovation (attractive and sustainable for Customer), both by the part of the Big Player of the Market and by the part of the Public Administration.
● Disruptive innovation: religion, scam or necessity for those who want to stay in the market? – Today the market continues to apply a non-disruptive mindset even when the data indicate this modality inexorably fails.
To innovate means to change. When there are major changes in the Society, it is necessary to adapt. There is no choice.
Are we sure that we understand what radical (disruptive) innovation is?
● The misunderstanding on the real meaning of the Trends (Meta-trends and Fake-trends) [1]
● Disruptive innovation is not based on technologies
● The misunderstanding on ecology: electrification of devices that are not ecological in themselves
● Towards a new (real) sustainability: the mistake of focusing on the low price
● Misunderstanding: the future is not futuristic as one imagines it today°
● The misunderstanding on Innovation by Manager, Consultants and Pundits - Today Managers and Consultants & the “intellectuals” are focused on the past: it is not bad faith, but it is a lack of ability to recognize the new.
● The misunderstanding on Industry 4.0: towards Manufacturing 4.0 - The “revolution” (dirsruption) that is transforming the world of production is a phenomenon radically different from the one today defined as Industry 4.0.
The change concerns not only the product, but everything connected to it. Today it is necessary: a rethinking - the why of a product - the ideation/design process - the production/distribution process. We move on to a new era of the new Economy: the Context economy.
● Does it really exist to the possibility of having an Artificial Intelligence? (the unsustainability of the AI) [1] - Can a “machine” actually make correct decisions? Science, with foundamentals principles (many Nobels) says No.
● The great Firms are not able to develop disruptive innovation within them - the consolidated companies of the market literally can’t develop disruptive innovation within them. they are the object of disruption, and therefore can not be the subject. the problem: ● lack of “intuition” ● lack of culture of (real) innovation. a real (disruptive) innovation can only come with a fresh start, from new comers.
<My Articles on New Form of Innovation (Disruptive Innovation)
In the current profound and rapid changes, it is necessary to completely redefine products and Company by adopting a radically new form of innovation.
[ INNOVA site ]
● ‘'Manifesto of Innovation: the basic principles of sustainable innovation' Today there is no critical reflection on the failures of the Market, and therefore it continues unabated to proceed WITH THE SAME MINDSET (PARADIGM) WHICH HAS PRODUCED THE PROBLEMS THAT WE WANT TO SOLVE. A reflection on the basic principles of sustainable innovation.
● ‘Manifesto of Innovation (2): Innovation in the new post-industrial Market’ A third phase of the development of the modern (post-industrial) Company / Market is in progress. THE SOCIETY MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS IS NOW MANAGED "BOTTOM UP". A new Economy based on Subsidiarity is developed, and A POST-INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION MODE THAT EXCEEDS THE "MASS PRODUCTION".
[ TrendInsights site ]
● Introduction to the Disruptive Innovation: the concept of Innovation [1] THE CONCEPT OF INNOVATION IN ITSELF MUST BE RADICALLY CHANGED. Innovation based on a continuous improvement of the products does not work when in History there are radical changes (as it was, for example, in the Industrial Revolution, or as it happens now).
● What disruption essentially is ► The concept of disruption is not an "invention" of someone, but the description of a real phenomenon that affects our civilization. ► THE DISRUPTION IS IN ITSELF A NEUTRAL CONCEPT: it is positive for those who adapt to changes, and strongly negative for who remains on previous Models.
● The lack of a real Innovation Today there is no real innovation (actractive and sustanable for Customer), both by the part of the Big Player of the Market and by the part of the Public Administration.
● New mode of Innovation (Key of Changes #3) In an era of profound changes, the concept of innovation itself must change. Today a substantial innovation is needed, which is able to develop a really-useful value for the Customer.
● Trend Forecasting for the Disruption Age° Big Player strategies very often are not able to achieve sales success: the cause is the inability to understand the real meaning of change (of Trends). It is necessary to ● understand the complexity of the interactive evolution of a system like the Market ● to go beyond the current Marketing.
● Innovation is intrinsically (historically) bottom-up Today very often the innovation strategies do not work because innovation is planned in top-down mode (regardless of the real needs of the people), and this does not allow the development of attractive products for the customers.
● The misunderstanding on Innovation by Manager, Consultants and Pundits – Today Managers and Consultants & the “intellectuals” are focused on the past: it is not bad faith, but it is a lack of ability to recognize the new.
● A new approach for Smart City A reflection on the innovation of the Cities (Smart Cities), which leads to conclusions that are radically different from those that currently drive public and private projects in this area. Some specific highly innovative projects
● A new approach for PA innovation and Smart Cities (proposal)