Today, in an era of profound changes that literally overturn the rules of the Market in force in recent decades, it is necessary to adapt to these changes if we want to meet the demand favor (if we want to survive).
Yet the big players (not only the companies, but also consultants, writers, journalists, etc …) try to “tame” the nascent culture (in tune with their mindset) bringing every area of real innovation back to the contents of the old culture. Giving themselves the illusion of being able to achieve sales success, but actually developing ruinous product strategies (the only ones to be successful are the paid consultants to develop such obsolete strategies).
An example of this approach is the case of Customer Experience. In which the obsolete principles of the form of Marketing now at sunset are reproduced. When the new strategies, in order to work, should develop radically new business models.
The problem is that we continue to want to “influence an individual satisfaction”(*), to “induce” customers to buy products on an emotional level that in reality have almost no real value for them.
One hears “When businesses can engage with individuals in a way that speaks to their most fundamental values, it can ultimately not be seen today. The connection creates loyalty, which fuels business growth.”(*)
But in reality it is not about “to speak” about values, but to provide real values in the product, since today the Customers, with an extremely reduced spending, can no longer buy products lacking real value for them (ie products that do not really meet their concrete needs).
And to insert a real value in the product
it is necessary to change the current business model.
That is,
it is necessary to change the paradigm of Marketing, which from a “subtle” persuasion system to the purchase of a product conceived without a direct link with the real needs of the Customer,
The problem that those who still adopt Time-to-Sunset Marketing remain on the level of a development of mass products, which prevents them from developing winning strategies.
To overcome this criticality, in order to develop taylor-made products, it is first of all necessary to change the approach, and to integrate already from the beginning of the product development (of the single “piece”) the future User of this product (today it is much more easy than in the days of Adam Smith, or when Toyota introduced the customization of its Cars).
With the new ICT today it is possible to develop a form of interaction with the Customer that represents a quantum leap with respect to the current concept of customization of the current product.
But be careful, it is not a matter of analyzing and interpreting data, studying the Customer makes behaviorist scientists with animals. Nor is it about engaging the Customers with compelling arguments. The engaging takes place with the qualities of the product
(the Social can be used to describe actual qualities, and not only to create narrative).
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(*) The CMO’s Mandate: Elevate the Human Experience
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My articles on new Bottom-up Marketing (Crowd-driven market)
In a market characterized by a new Demand is no longer possible to understand with traditional marketing tools, IT IS NECESSARY TO RADICALLY INNOVATE THE MARKETING ITSELF.
. We witness a Crowd-ization of the Market: Customers must be integrated into Design (taylor-made products) and into Production processes.
● Toward a New Marketing (1): beyond the Analytic Marketing, toward a pro-sumer Market - THE CURRENT CONCEPT OF MARKET ANALYSIS (as observation / or Listening to Customers) IS OBSOLETE, Big Data strategies must be replaced by Marketing of Pro-sumers.
● New modality of Consumerism (Key of Changes #2) - To understand the new Demand it is first of all necessary to understand which are the main trends that affect the market in the near future: ● a radical change in the forms of consumption (customer needs and expectations). ● a “revolution” of the product development (and production / distribution) methods.
● The wrong interpretation of the Customer Experience - With Customer Experience today we use obsolete principles. It is necessary to change the paradigm of Marketing, which from a "subtle" persuasion system to the purchase of a product, MUST GO BACK TO BEING A PROCESS THAT STARTS FROM THE ANALYSIS OF THE REAL NEEDS OF PEOPLE.
● New mode of Innovation (Key of Changes #3) - In an era of profound changes, the concept of innovation itself must change. Today a substantial innovation is needed, which is able to develop a really-useful value for the Customer.
● Towards a new (real) sustainability: the mistake of focusing on the low price - The inability to understand the essence of change leads us to think that the response to the reduced spending of the Customers must be a reduced price of the product. But the plus point of the product is not the low-price (which is also necessary), but in its sustainability.
● The problems of the current Market strategies: toward a crowd participated Marketing - CURRENT MARKETING IS NOT ABLE TO INTERPRET THE NEW NEEDS OF CUSTOMERS. Thanks to Information Technologies today it is possible to change the role of Consumer by inserting them in the product development process.
● The basic misunderstanding on Disruptive innovation ● Disruptive innovation: religion, scam or necessity for those who want to stay in the market? ● The misunderstanding on the real meaning of the Trends (Meta-trends and Fake-trends) [1] ● Disruptive innovation is not based on technologies ● The misunderstanding on ecology: electrification of devices that are not ecological in themselves ● Misunderstanding: the future is not futuristic as one imagines it today° ● “Futuristic vision” and insustainable products: cases of Flying cars, self-driving cars and electric city car° ● The misunderstanding on Innovation by Manager, Consultants and Pundits ● The misunderstanding on Industry 4.0: towards Manufacturing 4.0 ● Does it really exist to the possibility of having an Artificial Intelligence? (the unsustainability of the AI) [1]
My Articles on New Form of Innovation
In the current profound and rapid changes, it is necessary to completely redefine products and Company by adopting a radically new form of innovation.
[ INNOVA site ]
● ‘'Manifesto of Innovation: the basic principles of sustainable innovation' Today there is no critical reflection on the failures of the Market, and therefore it continues unabated to proceed WITH THE SAME MINDSET (PARADIGM) WHICH HAS PRODUCED THE PROBLEMS THAT WE WANT TO SOLVE. A reflection on the basic principles of sustainable innovation.
● ‘Manifesto of Innovation (2): Innovation in the new post-industrial Market’ A third phase of the development of the modern (post-industrial) Company / Market is in progress. THE SOCIETY MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS IS NOW MANAGED "BOTTOM UP". A new Economy based on Subsidiarity is developed, and A POST-INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION MODE THAT EXCEEDS THE "MASS PRODUCTION".
[ TrendInsights site ]
● Introduction to the Disruptive Innovation: the concept of Innovation [1] THE CONCEPT OF INNOVATION IN ITSELF MUST BE RADICALLY CHANGED. Innovation based on a continuous improvement of the products does not work when in History there are radical changes (as it was, for example, in the Industrial Revolution, or as it happens now).
● What disruption essentially is ► The concept of disruption is not an "invention" of someone, but the description of a real phenomenon that affects our civilization. ► THE DISRUPTION IS IN ITSELF A NEUTRAL CONCEPT: it is positive for those who adapt to changes, and strongly negative for who remains on previous Models.
● The lack of a real Innovation Today there is no real innovation (actractive and sustanable for Customer), both by the part of the Big Player of the Market and by the part of the Public Administration.
● New mode of Innovation (Key of Changes #3) In an era of profound changes, the concept of innovation itself must change. Today a substantial innovation is needed, which is able to develop a really-useful value for the Customer.
● Trend Forecasting for the Disruption Age° Big Player strategies very often are not able to achieve sales success: the cause is the inability to understand the real meaning of change (of Trends). It is necessary to ● understand the complexity of the interactive evolution of a system like the Market ● to go beyond the current Marketing.
● Innovation is intrinsically (historically) bottom-up Today very often the innovation strategies do not work because innovation is planned in top-down mode (regardless of the real needs of the people), and this does not allow the development of attractive products for the customers.
● The misunderstanding on Innovation by Manager, Consultants and Pundits – Today Managers and Consultants & the “intellectuals” are focused on the past: it is not bad faith, but it is a lack of ability to recognize the new.
● A new approach for Smart City A reflection on the innovation of the Cities (Smart Cities), which leads to conclusions that are radically different from those that currently drive public and private projects in this area. Some specific highly innovative projects
● A new approach for PA innovation and Smart Cities (proposal)