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    VIDEO: Hillary Asked Why She Doesn’t Say “Radical Islamic Terrorism” … Gives SICK Answer

    8 years ago

    On Tuesday, Democrat presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton tried to put an end to the controversy around the avoidance of the phrase “Islamic terrorism” that has consistently plagued the Democrat Party for the past eight years. On CNN’s “Wolf,” she was asked to address Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s accusation that she was unwilling to use the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism,” to which she responded: “I don’t think that you get that kind of cooperation that I’m looking for — deep, intense, long-lasting cooperation — by playing these semantic games.” That’s not semantic games — that’s naming an enemy. It’s a little different. If properly identifying an armed force that’s set on destroying the nation you’re campaigning to lead is a challenge for you, perhaps your priorities are a little skewed.

    “We need a commander in chief that defends America and defending America means defeating radical Islamic terrorist and ISIS,” asserted Republican contender Cruz, according to The Daily Caller. “What is completely unreasonable is Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s consistent pattern of refusing to even say the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism.’” “Well, that’s a long debate that people like him try to stir up,” Clinton said. “You know, I call it radical jihadist terrorism because you know it is clearly rooted in Islamic thinking that you know has to be contested first and foremost by Muslims around the world. But I think it is a mistake. I have said it repeatedly.” She continued to say that Republicans, namely former President George W. Bush, were pushing for a war with the 1.2 billion people in the world of the Islamic faith.

    “Let’s work at preventing the terrorists,” she said. “Let’s isolate them from the vast majority of Muslims and let’s defeat them and do whatever we can to protect America, Europe and our other friends and partners around the world.” That bit of rhetoric would be fantastic and groundbreaking, if it were, you know, new or innovative. Or even sensible. We don’t need another eight years of a commander in chief who has to cornered into even vocalizing the words “radical Islam.”


    VIDEO: Hillary Asked Why She Doesn’t Say “Radical Islamic Terrorism” … Gives SICK Answer.