pop-points-RACCOLTA: cov-misure-damage

5 posts

Future consequences of anti-Covid measures

The measures have created more damage than the Covid itself. Immediately, but also in the next few years: how many people will have a very reduced quality for years? And how many people will die directly as a result of the actions taken to combat Covid, or the actions prevented by such actions? We are talking about  health problems (lack of diagnosis and treatment), consequences of […]

sources: the damages of the closing of schools

  ● «Some modeling suggests that the loss of learning during the extraordinary systemic crisis of World War II still had negative impact on former students’ lives some 40 years later. And neither is the impact of lost learning confined to the individual level: For whole societies closing down education today, there will likely be significant consequences tomorrow.» <see Article> ● UNESCO “Adverse consequences of school […]

sources: Measures more damage than the epidemic of Coronavirus

As early as March 17th on the New York Times «The irony of successful social distancing is that fewer will develop immunity. That means that social distancing 2.0, 3.0 and, who knows, maybe even 4.0 will very likely have to occur. The next round of social distancing will be activated more rapidly, because officials — and the public — will be more prepared. It should also […]