Smart Manufacturing, the misunderstanding on the term Industry 4.0

DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION ALSO INVOLVES THE PRODUCTION / DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. BUT THE CURRENT CONCEPTION OF INDUSTRY 4.0 IS VERY FAR FROM BEING CENTERED. ● In the new dimension of the "Automotive" Market it will be easier to produce Cars for a "washing machine manufacturer" (or consumer electronics) than for an automotive player.

beyond the automotive

The general scope of the Mobility is in deep crisis: it can not find a direction that allows players to create effective solutions (the sector is held afloat by operating at the level of "communication" with money from the Public Administration and the Banking Foundations). Ma la situazione per il settore Automotive è decisamente più critica, poiché se la Mobility ha in qualche modo la possibilità di ripartire (seppure con una profonda rivoluzione per i Player di riferimento), il settore Automotive, di per sé, non ha un futuro, non può più essere “riformato” (anche se in qualche modo , grazie agli aggiustamenti “politici”, può ancora sopravvivere per alcuni anni).

MOBILITY: towards a real Disruptive Innovation

The strategies developed today in the Mobility sector (Market and Public Administration) are highly unsuccessful as regards the problems of traffic congestion, pollution, economic sustainability for the owner, danger to pedestrians, etc. (today the Sector is held afloat operating at the level of "communication" with money from the Public Administration and the Foundations).

Un nuovo approccio per le Smart City*⌐

Un approccio peculiare, radicalmente innovativo che ribalta l’attuale paradigma di ● innovazione del Sistema democratico (riforma sostanziale della Democrazia di matrice europea), e ● dell’innovazione “tecnologica” del cosiddetto filone Smart Cities.

Mobility 2.0: White Paper

The main factors of the failure of the Mobility policies. It's about starting out redefining,, above all, the paradigm of mobility. The following are developed: ● an analysis of the specific problems of mobility solutions ● notes for a new innovation vision ● an analysis of the emergence of new trends.

Manifesto of Innovation: the basic principles of sustainable (disruptive) innovation’⌐

Today Innovation is a bluff. The great Market Players are no longer able to keep up with the innovation of small StarUp. And in the public sector, despite the unsustainable costs of improving services, the quality of life is always worse. The problem is that we continue to proceed WITH THE SAME PARADIGMA THAT PRODUCED THE PROBLEMS THAT WE WANT TO SOLVE. The fundamental principles of innovation are analyzed.