■ Collections of Articles: CORONAVIRUS Intro

4 posts

Incorrect (manipulated) use of the Data

Nel dichiarare che sono aumentati i contagi oggi si fa un ragionamento totalmente fasullo (privo di scientificità, che non ha cioè nessun legame con quello che è la realtà dei fatti). . Vediamo di chiarire come ciò possa avvenire. In questa sede non si sembra opportuno cercare di chairire il perché ciò avvenga, che è una cosa legata al livello di intelligenza e di buona fede […]

What to do now? The need to investigate what it happened to make sure it doesn’t happen again

The facts that emerge from the experience of Coronavirus 2020: ■ the Scientific Commissions (those that are based on truly scientific demonstration processes) have clarified how it was an epidemic of a normal flu (no more dangerous than those of previous years). ■ government institutions have taken measures such as the Society lockdown for no valid reason: the “Coronavirus danger” was already a fake news from […]


This entry is part 2 of 1 in the series ► Covid-intro

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Little by little, the fact emerges that the institutions – and the mainstream media – have made big mistakes in addressing the Coronavirus epidemic. Mistakes that cost very dearly in terms of public health and safety.  . And, since the damage has already been done, the question now is to investigate what happened so that it doesn’t happen again. (investigate both from the point of view […]