SERIES OF ARTICLES ON THE QUESTION OF POLICE VIOLENCE AND SYSTEMI RACISM – Today it is thought that there is a systemic racism in western society (especially in the USA) which is responsible for some serious hardships experienced by some ethnic minorities; and responsible for the forms of violence perpetrated by public institutions.
In reality, a careful analysis of the issue of social violence shows that the problem upstream of everything is a degeneration in the functions of public institutions that today end up assuming an authoritarian connotation (which derives from the social-democratic ideological conception of the Society) where originally to be were created and managed “by the people, for the people”.
Series: ● II.c – Systemic racism or Abuse of Power
HUMAN BEINGS BECOME, NOT BORN – social problems within specific ethnic groupss derives from the liberal Ideologies applied by public institutions
This document illustrates how:
● behaviors (and the way of thinking that produces such behaviors) are due to the culture transmitted by the social community in which the individual grew up.
● the loss of the traditional culture of the community is a serious problem with respect to the proper functioning of the community.
In the previous documents of this series it was said: – in «Ethnic disparity is a” cultural matter “(a Government issue)» <see> has highlighted how the serious hardships experienced by some ethnic minorities derive from a wrong setting of government institutions. – in “Is there a systemic racism? a scientific […]