What’s at stake: it is a world war of authoritarian states against western democracies

What are the factors to consider in order to correctly assess the situation in the Russia-Ukraine conflict?

It is not the question of a war between Russia and Ukraine, but of how Putin’s “expansionism” (military and political) can evolve: if he continued to implement his plans, he would come to politically “subdue” the rest of Europe.

Furthermore, the international situation must be taken into account: Russia is part of the “Axis” with China and Iran, which had joint military exercises before this war.

Western nations do not seem to understand how the future global political condition is being played out in Ukraine (largely compromised for some time, for which much can still be done and is not done).

The underlying problem seems to be that today the memories of the past have been lost: of the dictatorships of the 20th century that for a long time were able to dominate the world bringing misfortunes for all nations (50 million people died to get rid of Nazism <source>, and the Soviet Union caused at least 30 million civilian deaths in Eastern Europe <source>).

Today, that is, the ability to evaluate the cost/benefit factor of a situation seems to have been lost: immediate advantages are chosen (in the illusion of having a condition of peace offered by the idea of ​​not being involved in a war). And we are unable to see the threats of the consequences of such a choice in the long run (exactly as was done with Hitler in the early stages of Germany’s expansion.

 The critical point is that it can lead to a nuclear war. Based on what Putin <source> said, and on his profile, he could make extreme choices.

The problem is that it is now much more difficult to intervene to avert Putin’s invasion, and therefore its possible further expansion towards the Baltic countries..

It is therefore necessary to carefully evaluate “what can still be done” (but the problem is that most Nations do not realize that too little has been done, and that the question is the time factor is decisive).